
One of the many rewards of the Art of Archery is the greater sense of focus, discipline and confidence. At Lykopis, students will first learn using a Modern Recurve bow. You will learn about correct form, draw and release techniques, combined with basic knowledge and care of your equipment. As class progresses students will begin to develop muscle memory needed to advance through the beginner, intermediate, and advanced ranks.

At intermediate level, you will have the opportunity to pursue the Four Disciplines of Archery. Lykopis uses the academic classifications of Historical Archery.

The Asiatic Composite Bow: Examine the composites of the Steppe, Asia, and Eastern European archery equipment used in Foot and Horse Archery.

The Longbow: Study the diverse history of a not-so-simple stick; starting with the Viking Longbow to the ‘Welsh’ longbow of the 100 Years War, and Tudor Longbows from the Mary Rose. Finally, students will explore modern longbows and the advances made in composite and laminate longbows.

The Flat bow: Focuses on the origins of the American Flat bow. Starting with First Nations and Native American bows, this discipline focuses on the traditional use of the flat bow: hunting. Students will engage in a variety of activities including learning to shoot stealthily, crafting equipment and much more.

The Lithics: This discipline concentrates on archery equipment used during the Stone Age throughout the Bronze Age.

As a student of Lykopis you will have access to many crafting workshops, specialty classes and presentations about the history and theory of archery. You will gain an introduction into the global community of Archers and the opportunity to explore the world of traditional and historical archery.